Monday, 17 October 2011

Interview Questions

We decided on a number of questions that we could potentially ask our Interviewees for use in our documentary - we will ask them to a number of people including the public, parents of teenagers/students (our target audience), and workers in takeaway restaurants. We specifically chose to highlight upon certain aspects of takeaways such as comparing it to home cooking, the cost, the time of having one and the service received from takeaways. We aim to ask these questions to get honest responses from the general public and for us to make unbiased points within our documentary to communicate to our viewers. The interviews will be shown in the documentary to back up the observations and the balanced exposition. 

  1. Do you prefer getting a takeaway to cooking your own meal?
  2. Is there something that you frequently order from a takeaway?
  3. Do you think about eating healithy when you order a takeaway meal?
  4. Do you find takeaways too expensive?
  5. Is there a type of takeaway that you never order food from?
  6. Do some takeaways take too long to be delievered?
  7. Do you ever use the vouchers and discounts that some takeaways offer?
  8. Do adverts on television ever convince you to buy takeaway?
  9. Would you order healthy meals from a takeaway if you were given the option?
  10. Is 5-a-day something that you try and stick to?
  11. Are the drinks from takeaways usually good value for money?
  12. Would you prefer less sauce with your takeaway meal?
  13. Do you like spicy food?
  14. Do you like ordering deserts from takeaways?
  15. When do you choose to have a takeaway?
  16. Do you like to order takeaways from the same company each time?
  17. Do you recieve takeaway menus through the post?
  18. Do you collect takeaway menus?
  19. Are you always satisfied with the overall service you recieve from takeaways?
  20. Do the locations of takeaways ever influence your decisions in ordering them?

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